1.0 (2017-08-17)
- Improved presets panel (rename Save to Save New, and moved above Load)
- Dragging jobs to move them
- Output is now a fixed job in the job list and always exists
- Remember selected image and job for saved workspaces
- Text changes
- Automatically scroll to the job in the list after selection
Bug fixes
- Recovery files were not removed in certain cases
- Job controls in the UI were not correctly being updated when a workspace file was opened
0.9.7 (2017-08-05)
Features & Additions
- Option to send feedback from within the application
- Save/load job presets (preset manager)
- Automatically recover previous session after app crashes, may it be needed (creating crash recovery files in the background)
- New workspace are now positioned with 20 pixels offset relative to other workspace frames
- Darkened border colors to increase UI contrast
- Improved the "New Workspace" dialog
- Action buttons are now consistently placed in the order OK/Cancel on Windows and Cancel/OK on MacOS
- Names in the input panel are now ellipsized on the end instead of in the middle of the filename
Bug fixes
- Under windows bitmaps in the new workspace dialog were not displayed for the recently opened files
0.9.6 (2017-08-01)
Features & Additions
- Add original date/time from the EXIF record to image by using placeholder [exifDateTime:Y-M-D] etc. in "Add Text" job
- Add original date/time from the EXIF record to the output filename by using placeholder [exifDateTime:Y-M-D] etc.
- View image histogram
- Changed margin in the image queue
- Decreased the thumbnail size in the image queue
- Drastically improved speed of zooming in/out in the previewer zoom dialog
- Jobs in the list will appear faded when it is disabled now
- Changed position of the enabled and override checkboxes
- Changed appearance
- Output placeholders can now also be used in the output folder name
- Made the UI more responsive by limiting the refresh rate of the previewer
Bug fixes
- Override settings weren't loaded when opening existing workspaces
- Cache wasn't flushed for other images in the queue when job settings were changed
- Output filenames are now tested for illegal filesystem characters
- Overriding job settings made interface text "jump" in certain situations
0.9.5 (2017-07-16)
Features & Additions
- Auto denoise job
- Skew job
- Color replace job
- Improved auto-rotate job by implementing angle recognition through edge detection
- Remember previewer zoom dialog size
- Drastically improved auto multi crop and auto trim behaviour
- Typing in number fields is now more user friendly
- Improved sharpen job
- Improved auto sharpen job
- General performance optimizations
Bug fixes
- "Preview final before image" state was incorrectly populated
- When resizing the previewer zoom dialog, the button states were not updated
0.9.4 (2017-06-26)
- Text/number fields for black/white and hue/saturation are now wider
- Automatically select last image when the last image was selected and deleted
- Automatically select first image in the list when opening a workspace
- Changed default value for minimum area when multi cropping
- Improved general performance of the application and the controls in job panels
Bug fixes
- Application was loading slow when loading multiple jobs with a lot of images. Also fixed slow image overriding
- Blank values for zero values in job controls was not working anymore
- Thumbnail loading wasn't forced to stop when opening a new workspace in the same window
- After re-enabling the previewer, the previewer wasn't always reloading
0.9.3 (2017-06-23)
Features & Additions
- Reset job settings
- Ability to choose target background color for auto trim, auto rotate, and auto multi crop
- The HQ previewer now remembers and re-applies its zoom state between comparison views
- HQ previewer now supports multiple outputs (e.g. with multi crop)
- Renamed "Multi Crop" to "Auto Multi Crop" in the background
- The image background is now always solid color or transparent when using the rotate job
- When disabling the fill and under color within the text job panel, the color pickers are now being disabled
Bug fixes
- HQ previewer didn't work correctly for images with multiple layers and other complex types
- The HQ previewer fit/fill to window was focusing on the image with the largest dimensions, now just on the image that is visible
- Having multiple output out of a single output (e.g. with multi crop) caused crashes when reopening the previewer
- Cloning jobs didn't take over the override checkbox
- Colors weren't correctly used when using the "Add text" job
- Multi crop minimum area wasn't working as intended
- Auto trim, auto rotate, and auto multi crop were buggy for some situations
0.9.2 (2017-06-21)
Features & Additions
- High Quality (HQ) preview button
- Option to clone jobs
- Adding jobs above/below other jobs
- Context menus for jobs (right click popup)
- Context menus for images (right click popup)
- Ability to add a shadow below text in the "Add Text/Watermark" job
- Check for updates online, including automatic update checking at startup
- Setting resolution (DPI) when outputting
- Only shrinking option when resizing on output
- Resize factor when outputting
- Alignment for aspectcrop (top, center, bottom, left, right anchoring)
- Keep aspect ratio is now on by default for the resize job
- Added confirmation messages for deleting jobs and images, to prevent accidental removal
- Improved previewer performance when changing job pages
- General bug fixes and layout improvements
- Presets for aspect crop (Square, 16:9, 16:10, etc.)
- Better processing of density of images
- For some processing jobs "zero values" are now left blank for some controls
- Increase paddings/margins between controls for job pages
Bug fixes
- Fixed tab traversal bug on Mac
- Overriding image settings per job didn't work anymore since last update
0.9.1 (2017-06-08)
Features & Additions
- "Move/rename/copy" job
- Watch folder (auto processing) functionality
- Auto orientation by camera setting (EXIF profile)
- "Output" job now supports the [seq] placeholder, thereby enabling sequenced folder numbers
- An output dialog with thumbnails, file info and explorer links after processing
- "Delete" job
- Folder conditions for file name and folder name when adding folders
- Folder conditions for image dimensions when adding folders
- File info on the source tab
- Open file button for source file on the source tab
- "Strip data" job
- Option to add an output processor at the end before processing
- "Add Text / Watermark" job
- Support for keyboard shortcuts
- Interlace option for outputting
- Added rotation and scaling to "Add Image / Watermark" job
- Support for multiple open workspaces at once
- Spin arrow controls for all number related fields
- Option for filtering all image formats when adding images to the queue
- Confirmation for license removal
- Watch images in the queue for rename and delete events, and handle accordingly
- Introduced multi-threaded thumbnail loading for the image queue, greatly improving loading speed
- Image duration estimation when processing is now significantly faster
- Built in a check for whether a workspace with given filename was already loaded
- Removed output tab from the previewer
- Automatically select the next image in the list when removing one
- Change behaviour of image position in the "Add Image / Watermark" job
- Improved general user friendliness
- General improvements for Previewer regarding resizing techniques
- "Add Image / Watermark" job caching and performance improvement
- Improved image thumbnail loading speed for image queue
- Mac people can now quit during the splash screen
- Speedup for the vignette job
- Image queue is now HiDPI screen-aware, resulting is higher quality thumbnails
- Save command will now disable if the workspace is not "dirty" anymore
- Export job list will now disable if it has no jobs
Bug fixes
- Fixed very random and rare crashes at startup
- Fixed crashes due to closing during loading image queue thumbnails
- Fixed problem with embedding profiles from the source to the output
- The "add image" job didn't correctly process CMYK images
- Double click on new workspace dialogs' template buttons were malfunctioning
- Smaller bug fixes
0.9.0 (2017-05-16)
Initial version